Publications using Mines HPC Systems


Hani Alzahrani and Jeffrey Shragge. Neural network seismic velocity model building: a frequency-stepping approach. In First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 3370–3374. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2021.


Hani Alzahrani and Jeffrey Shragge. Rnn-based seismic velocity model building: improving generalization using hybrid training data. In SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D011S178R004. SEG, 2022.


Jessica J Berry, Gonzalo G Gil-Delgado, and Andrew GS Osborne. Classification of group structures for a multigroup collision probability model using machine learning. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 160:108367, 2021.


Brandon Blakeley. Autothermal reforming of methane for syngas production in a novel ceramic microchannel reactor. Colorado School of Mines, 2015.


Yakup Berk Coskuner. Effects of Molecular Level Forces on the Diffusion and Adsorption Behavior of Confined Hydrocarbons: A Molecular Dynamics Approach. PhD thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2022.


Yakup Berk Coskuner, Elio Dean, Xiaolong Yin, and Erdal Ozkan. Water alternating alkane injection: a molecular dynamics simulation study. In SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference. OnePetro, 2022.


Nicholas Archimedes Danes. Computational modeling of extravascular platelet aggregation under flow. PhD thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2019.


DC Demirkan, HS Duzgun, A Juganda, J Brune, and G Bogin. Real-time methane prediction with small dataset in underground longwall coal mining using ai. In Underground Ventilation, pages 377–383. CRC Press, 2023.


Doga Cagdas Demirkan, H Sebnem Duzgun, Aditya Juganda, Jurgen Brune, and Gregory Bogin. Real-time methane prediction in underground longwall coal mining using ai. Energies, 15(17):6486, 2022.


Deniz Donmez. 3D Forward Modeling and Parametric Inversion of Induced Polarization with Electromagnetic Coupling. PhD thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2021.


Richard Christopher Gilmore. Computational fluid dynamics modeling of underground coal longwall gob ventilation systems using a developed meshing approach. Colorado School of Mines, 2015.


Aaron J Girard, Jeffrey Shragge, and Bjorn Olofsson. Identifying salt flanks using low-frequency ambient obn surface-wave seismology. In SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D011S084R001. SEG, 2021.


Logan E Hillberry. Entanglement and complexity in quantum elementary cellular automata. Colorado School of Mines, 2016.


Abdul Hafiz S Issah and Eileen R Martin. Impact of lossy compression errors on passive seismic data analyses. Publications & Presentations-Geophysics, 2023.


A Juganda, H Pinheiro, F Wilson, N Sandoval, GE Bogin, and JF Brune. Investigation of explosion hazard in longwall coal mines by combining cfd with 1/40th scaled physical modeling. In Mine Ventilation, pages 37–46. CRC Press, 2021.


A Juganda, H Pinheiro, F Wilson, N Sandoval, GE Bogin Jr, and JF Brune. Investigation of explosion hazard in longwall coal mines by combining cfd with a 1/40th-scale physical model. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 39(5):2273–2290, 2022.


Aditya Juganda. Evaluation of point-based methane monitoring and proximity detection for methane explosive zones in longwall faces of underground coal mines. Colorado School of Mines, 2020.


Aditya Juganda, Claire Strebinger, Jürgen F Brune, and Gregory E Bogin Jr. Computational fluid dynamics modeling of a methane gas explosion in a full-scale, underground longwall coal mine. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 39(3):897–916, 2022.


Tugrul Konuk. Tensorial Elastodynamics and Acoustodynamics for Generalized Seismic Migration and Inversion Applications. PhD thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2022.


Benjamin A Krawciw. Explorations in complex network theory: interferometer networks and the application of generating functions to matrices. 2023-Mines Theses & Dissertations, 2023.


Alexander G Lidiak. Practical Applications of Machine Learning to Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation. PhD thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2022.


Jincheng Lou. CFD simulation of polarization phenomena in direct contact membrane distillation systems. PhD thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2020.


Joseph T Maestas. Nonlinear acoustic pulse propagation in range-dependent underwater environments. 2013-Mines Theses & Dissertations, 2013.


Thu Nguyen. CFD modeling of methane flame, turbulence, and obstacle interaction applied to a longwall coal mine. Colorado School of Mines, 2020.


Can Oren. Elastic Time-Reverse Imaging and Transmission Tomography for Microseismic and DAS VSP Data. PhD thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2022.


Can Oren and Jeffrey Shragge. Ps energy imaging condition for microseismic data—part 1: theory and applications in 3d isotropic media. Geophysics, 86(2):KS37–KS48, 2021.


Can Oren and Jeffrey Shragge. Normalized energy-norm imaging condition for elastic reverse-time migration. In Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 2719–2723. Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum â€¦, 2022.


Can Oren and Jeffrey Shragge. Passive-seismic image-domain elastic wavefield tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 228(3):1512–1529, 2022.


Can Oren and Jeffrey Shragge. Image-domain das 3d vsp elastic transmission tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 232(3):1914–1925, 2023.


Andrew Osborne, Joffrey Dorville, and Paul Romano. Upsampling monte carlo neutron transport simulation tallies using a convolutional neural network. Energy and AI, 13:100247, 2023.


H Pinheiro, A Juganda, N Sandoval, F Wilson, K Gallagher, G Bogin, and J Brune. Scaling and flow similarity considerations to develop a 1/40th scale aerodynamic model of a longwall coal mine for methane hazards investigation. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 39(3):917–926, 2022.


David Rodríguez Pérez. Quantum error mitigation and autonomous correction using dissipative engineering and coupling techniques. PhD thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2021.


David Rodríguez Pérez and Eliot Kapit. Improved autonomous error correction using variable dissipation in small logical qubit architectures. Quantum Science and Technology, 6(1):015006, 2020.


David Rodríguez Pérez, Paul Varosy, Ziqian Li, Tanay Roy, Eliot Kapit, and David Schuster. Error-divisible two-qubit gates. Physical Review Applied, 19(2):024043, 2023.


David Rodríguez Pérez. Quantum error mitigation and autonomous correction using dissipative engineering and coupling techniques. 2021-Mines Theses & Dissertations, 2021.


Harpreet Sethi, Doris Pan, Pavel Dimitrov, Jeffrey Shragge, Gunter Roth, and Ken Hester. Hard enforcement of physics-informed neural network solutions of acoustic wave propagation. Computational Geosciences, 27(5):737–751, 2023.


Harpreet Sethi, Ilya Tsvankin, and Jeff Shragge. Methodology of elastic full-waveform inversion of multicomponent ocean-bottom data for anisotropic media. Geophysical Prospecting, 72(2):604–616, 2024.


Jeffrey Shragge and Tugrul Konuk. Tensorial elastodynamics for isotropic media. Geophysics, 85(6):T359–T373, 2020.


Zhijie Tang and Eliot Kapit. Unconventional quantum annealing methods for difficult trial problems. Physical Review A, 103(3):032612, 2021.


Ian M Wilkinson, Ritwik R Bhattacharjee, Jenifer C Shafer, and Andrew G Osborne. Confidence estimation in the prediction of epithermal neutron resonance self-shielding factors in irradiation samples using an ensemble neural network. Energy and AI, 7:100131, 2022.


Dan M Worrall Jr. Modeling gas flows in longwall coal mines using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Colorado School of Mines, 2012.


Jihyun Yang. Near-Surface Seismic Characterization and Monitoring: A Dense Seismic Acquisition Perspective. PhD thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 2023.


Jihyun Yang and Jeffrey Shragge. Long-term ambient seismic interferometry for constraining seasonal subsurface velocity variations in urban settings: a distributed acoustic sensing (das) case study. Geophysical Journal International, 234(3):1973–1984, 2023.


Jihyun Yang, Jeffrey Shragge, Aaron J Girard, Edgard Gonzales, Javier Ticona, Armando Minaya, and Richard Krahenbuhl. Seismic characterization of a landslide complex: a case history from majes, peru. Sustainability, 15(18):13574, 2023.


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Ziming Zhu, Yakup Coskuner, Xiaolong Yin, and Erdal Ozkan. Experimental and molecular studies of the effect of co2 on hindered flows of oil through niobrara shale. In SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, D013S017R001. URTEC, 2020.