Research Computing Guidance

Budget Guidance for HPC

whether starting a new research project or continuing one at Mines this document will help you find the resources to get your High-Performance Computing workload done. Some useful free compute cycles through programs such as RMACC via Alpine or NSF ACCESS Program, will help you get some exploratory compute cycles to awarded a grant, and might be used through out the project.

Mines HPC systems on-premise are operated under a Operational Expenditure (OpEX) cost model, where researchers pay for the CPU/hours cycles used. This document aims to help write future research grants that use HPC resources at Mines.

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Life Cycle of Research Computing Projects

Life Cycle of an HPC Project

Stage 1: Identify area for exploratory research to expand current scientific knowledge base

  • Choice of Software

    • Vet software for security and other restrictions

    • Open Source vs Commercial

      • Commercial: Licensing requirements

        • FlexLM server

        • Site-wide, single user, multi-user, etc.

      • Open Source

        • Optimized build for compute architecture

    • Self-authored software

      • Identify software languages, compilers, libraries required, etc.

Stage 2: Development of scripts, scaling & benchmarking

  • Identify workload and workflows

    • Common Parallel Workflows:

      • Multi-node (e.g. MPI)

      • Multi-threaded (e.g. OpenMP)

      • Single or Multi GPU (NVIDIA using CUDA, AMD using OpenCL, etc)

      • Embarrassingly Parallel – Parameter Sweeps, Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations

    • Other considerations

      • High memory (relative to CPU requirements)

      • High data I/O (e.g. machine learning)

Stage 2 (alternative): Find published benchmark (little to no experience with software) or manual benchmarking (established codebase or simulation input deck)

  • Run test problem across multiple hardware configurations:

    • Local workstation or laptop

    • Freely Accessible HPC

    • Performance Analysis Consultation Checklist

      • A working test problem of model/code

        • What compute resources were used to verify code? (No. of cores, memory, etc)

      • Model can use multiple cpus and/or nodes

      • Anticipated number of runs of model

        • Parameter matrix

    • Outcomes: Performance Analysis report

      • Weak scaling (vary problem size proportionally to no. of processors)

      • Strong scaling (fixed problem size -> increase no. of processors)

      • Scaling analysis will estimate to user the amount of core-hours per job they need

Stage 3: Pre-Funded HPC options

  • No funding:

    • CU Boulder’s Alpine via RMACC

    • Open Science Grid (if user has an Embarassingly Parallel workflow)

    • NSF ACCESS Program

      • Proposal required, but grant is not required

Stage 3 (grant supported HPC): Perform baseline parallel and efficiency analysis on Pre-Funded HPC choice

  • Use as an approximate scale -> estimate budget

  • Secure funding

  • Secure allocation on paid/NSF cluster, or fund AWS HPC

Stage 4: Full-scale Computing & Visualization

  • Setting up computing environment

    • Request software install

    • Project Allocation

    • User access account

    • Shared storage and project storage

  • Performance batch jobs

  • Data management

  • Visualization setups

Stage 5: Post-processing & continued training of new researchers

  • Data insights, data sharing, project publications

  • Training for new researchers

Stage 6: Project close-out and data transfer to long term storage

  • Metadata tagging

  • Archive ready datasets

Parameters to Determine

  1. Nodes x Cores: total number of Cores used for simulation

  2. Total jobs: Jobs needed to complete research project

  3. Core Run Time (Cores * Hours): Wirk done by each CPU (CPUh)

  4. Storage of Input and Output: Data sets inputs (multi-use or single-use)

  5. Cost / (Core-Hour): Wendian = $0.02 (CPUh), Apex (AWS cloud) $0.04 and up and GPUs even more ie. $96/hour

  6. Storage during & after simulation: S3-Bucket, Orebits, fast NVMe

  7. Job Parametric Study: Number of simulations to assess science domain

  8. GPU-Hour (GPUh): Increased costs for specialize resources. Wendian GPU V100 = 6 core-hour or $0.12.