Overview of Research Computing at Mines

High Performance Computing (HPC)

ITS’ High Performance Computing group maintains various HPC (supercomputer) platforms and offers support for Mines faculty and students using using HPC systems in their research efforts. The goal of this service is to provide high quality HPC resources to help scientists do their science.

What We Do

In pursuit of its goal, the RC group:

  • Maintains several HPC platforms:

    • Mio – Machine managed unde the condo paradigm (150+ Tflops)

    • Wendian – Mines’ newest machine with 87 nodes, 5 with GPUS (350+ Tflops)

  • Monitors the platforms for potential issues

  • Installs user software on the HPC platforms

  • Installs common libraries and community codes

  • Maintains documentation

  • Offers consulting services to enable more effective research

  • Offers workshops covering HPC topics

  • Provides help porting and optimizing applications

  • Provides recommendations for more effective use HPC platforms

  • Represents the Mines community at HPC related conferences

  • Provies consultations for advanced research computing workflows, parallel computing and more

Getting more help

If you’re not able to find the help you need in our documentation, please head over to the Mines Help Center and submit an Research Computing ticket for more specific help.